Private shooting coach to improve your form, accuracy, and confidence.

Shooting a basketball with accuracy and consistency is one of the most difficult tasks in all of sports, but also the most rewarding.  No two shots are ever the same.  Our bodies, from our head to our toes, are constantly in motion while we move around the court.  Even being in the ‘same’ positions on the court change by fractions of an inch.  Then the ball comes our way, or we try to shoot off the dribble, and our brain/body has a countless number of variables to react to such as:

  • how far away from the basket
  • how we are holding the ball
  • getting our body in balance
  • where the defender is
  • how much force we will use to get the ball to the basket.

Plus factor even more ‘unseen’ variables such as:

  • How tired you are
  • Game circumstances (pressure situations)
  • Mental confidence

ALL of this happens within a second.

There is no single correct way of shooting a basketball.  Even the best shooters in the world have various form techniques to make their shot, their own.  However, great shooters have foundational principles in common.  And that is the key: we will put the foundational principles in place, then find the technique adjustments that will work for your body.

Learn about your specific habits, the good, and areas we can improve.
Focus on areas which will give us the largest progress in the shortest time
Drills are designed to help transfer your shot changes for use in the game

Coach Dave will analyze your shot, both in person, and thru video breakdown.  He takes in consideration many details such as age level, strength, coordination, your goals, and time before your next season.  His system will put you in position to see improvements faster than standard form shooting and high repetition.

Coach Dave's Shooting Analysis is perfect if:
You want to take your shooting to the next level
You have not seen yourself shoot on camera
Your shooting is inconsistent or just doesn't feel right
You think your shot needs changes, but not sure what to do
Coaches or parents have tried to help but you still don't feel like you are in the right direction
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Athlete Name
Honest opinion of current role on the team
Honest opinion of current shot