I believe an excellent coach can not only help train an athlete physically, but can be one of the most important influences in the athletes life as they grow up. Excellent coaches can help guide your child on a path of success. My hope is that basketball training is just the beginning of a lifelong mentorship. There are fewer joys than watching kids grow, achieve goals, and carve out their own life.
My coaching style is laid back, yet intense. I am not a ‘win at all costs’ coach, or a ‘scream until you get the result’ type coach, as I do have the perspective that this is still just a game, and most of the time, there will be another opportunity. I describe a ‘quiet inner confidence’ in the Skills Training page.
I have clear expectations of my athletes, and desperately want to see them achieve their goals. However, it is completely upon the athlete to have that internal desire and drive in achieving those goals.
If you are considering working with us, we look forward to serving you.

I am married to Maura, and have four beautiful children, ages 12-6. Together we have steadily created a beautiful life, tailoring our other business endeavors in being able to work from home, and most importantly, spend quality time raising our kids. Now it’s allowed us to start this business.
My hobbies are sports and exercise related (once an athlete, always an athlete). I still play basketball, and found a new love for endurance sports, so I hope to complete a full ironman triathlon, and a 100 mile running race in the coming years.

Her plate is full, and so is her heart. Wife. Mom of four. Homeschool teacher to those kids. Small business owner. Organizer, scheduler, and whatever else needs to happen for Rise Skills Academy.

- Coach Dave